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API 6D high-performance ball valve for pipeline

API 6D high-performance ball valve for pipeline

The product is mainly used in pipelines system of natural gas, petroleum, gas, liquefied gas and other industries as switch control device for pipeline.

Structure description

1.Fixed ball

2.Ball is separate from valve rod

3.Anti-static design

4.Floating v alve seat

5.Double external seal of valve

Unique seal structure of valve seat


Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3

Multi-stage seal structure of valve seat

Picture 4 Picture 5


Multi-stage seal structure of valve rod


Safety fireproof structure

(Ⅰ) Fireproof structure of valve seat


(Ⅱ) Fireproof structure of valve body and valve deck


(Ⅲ)Fireproof structure of valve body, packing box and valve rod

Anti-static structure


Automatic relief structure


Double-blocking and double emission structure

Overall diameter and shrinkage diameter ball valve


Valve actuator

Materials for main parts

No. Parts Standard design Low temperature design No. Parts Standard design Low temperature design
1 Valve body ASTM A105 ASTM A350 LF2-M 61 Screw ASTM A193 B7/B7M ASTM A320 L7
2 Valve deck ASTM A105 ASTM A350 LF2-M 62 O-ring Viton HNBR
3 Valve rod ASTM A322 4140+ENP ASTM A322 4140+ENP 63 Fire-protection ring Flexible graphite composite ring Flexible graphite composite ring
4 Ball ASTM A105+ENP ASTM A350 LF2+ENP 64 O-ring Viton HNBR
5A Valve seat VITON VITON 65 O-ring Viton HNBR
6 Valve seat ring ASTM A105/A322 4140
ASTM A350 LF2/A322 4140
67 Bolt ASTM A193 B7/B7M ASTM A320 L7
7 Stuffing box ASTM A105/A322 4140
ASTM A350 LF2/A322 4140
68 Nut ASTM A194 2H/2HM ASTM A194 4
9 Valve rod gasket RPTFE RPTFE 71 Bond ASTM A322 Gr.4140 ASTM A322 Gr.4140
10 Packing PTFE/ Graphite PTFE/ Graphite 72 Locating pin ASTM A322 Gr.4140 ASTM A322 Gr.4140
11 Packing bushing ASTM A105+ENP ASTM A350 LF2+ENP 73 Locating pin ASTM A322 Gr.4140 ASTM A322 Gr.4140
12 Valve body gasket SS+Graphite SS+Graphite 80 Valve seat grease-injection valve Components(CS+ENP) Components(CS+ENP)
13 Gasket SS+Graphite SS+Graphite 81 Valve rod grease-injection valve Components(CS+ENP) Components(CS+ENP)
14 Spacer flange ASTM A105 ASTM A350 LF2 82 Bearing SS+PTFE SS+PTFE
30 Mounting plate ASTM A105 ASTM A350 LF2/A105 83 Blow-down valve SS Components SS Components
31 Gasket Components Components 84 Vent valve SS Components SS Components
55 Valve seat spring ASTM B637 Inconel X750 ASTM B637 Inconel X750 85 Operating gear Outsourcing assembling units Outsourcing assembling units
56 Anti-static spring ASTM B637 Inconel X750 ASTM B637 Inconel X750 90 Nameplate SS SS
60 Screw ASTM A193 B7/B7M ASTM A320 L7        
Applicable medium Natural, petroleum, gas, and etc. Natural, petroleum, gas, and etc. Applicable medium Natural, petroleum, gas, and etc. Natural, petroleum, gas, and etc.
Applicable temperature —29℃~150℃ —46℃~150℃ Applicable temperature —29℃~150℃ —46℃~150℃


Main connection dimension

Class 150Lb/ PN1.6~2.0MPa

Specification A B L-RF L-WE D E
50 49 49 178 216 106 102
80 74 74 203 283 157 126
80×50 74 49 203 283 106 102
100 100 100 229 305 198 163
100×80 100 74 229 305 157 126
150 150 150 394 457 247 187
150×100 150 100 394 457 198 163
200 201 201 457 521 280 224
200×150 201 150 457 521 247 187
250 252 252 533 559 320 278
250×200 252 201 533 559 280 224
300 303 303 610 635 337 306
300×250 303 252 610 635 320 278
350 334 334 686 762 374 334
350×300 334 303 686 762 337 306
400 385 385 762 838 408 358
400×350 385 334 762 838 374 334
450 436 436 864 914 439 390
450×400 436 385 864 914 408 358
500 487 487 914 991 492 434
500×400 487 385 914 991 408 358
500×450 487 436 914 991 439 390
550 538 538 991 1092 528 477
550×450 538 436 991 1092 439 390
600 589 589 1067 1143 588 523
600×500 589 487 1067 1143 492 434
650 633 633 1143 1245 627 564
650×550 633 538 1143 1245 528 477
700 684 684 1244 1347 644 658
700×600 684 589 1244 1347 588 523
750 735 735 1295 1397 691 704
750×600 735 589 1295 1397 588 523
800 779 779 1371 1524 742 746
800×650 779 633 1371 1524 627 564

Class 300Lb/PN2.5~5.0MPa

Specification A B L-RF L-WE D E
50 49 49 216 216 106 102
80 74 74 283 283 157 126
80×50 74 49 283 283 106 102
100 100 100 305 305 198 163
100×80 100 74 305 305 157 126
150 150 150 403 457 247 187
150×100 150 100 403 457 198 163
200 201 201 502 521 280 224
200×150 201 150 502 521 247 187
250 252 252 568 559 320 278
250×200 252 201 568 559 280 224
300 303 303 648 635 337 306
300×250 303 252 648 635 320 278
350 334 334 762 762 374 334
350×300 334 303 762 762 337 306
400 385 385 838 838 408 358
400×350 385 334 838 838 374 334
450 436 436 914 914 439 390
450×400 436 385 914 914 408 358
500 487 487 991 991 492 434
500×400 487 385 991 991 408 358
500×450 487 436 991 991 439 390
550 538 538 1092 1092 528 477
550×450 538 436 1092 1092 439 390
600 589 589 1143 1143 588 523
650×550 633 538 1245 1245 528 477
650 633 633 1245 1245 627 564
650×550 633 538 1245 1245 528 477
700 684 684 1346 1346 644 658
700×600 684 589 1346 1346 588 523
750 735 735 1397 1397 691 704
750×600 735 589 1397 1397 588 523
800 779 779 1524 1524 742 746
800×650 779 633 1524 1524 627 564

Class600Lb/ PN10.0MPa

Specification A B L-RF L-RTJ L-WE D E
50 49 49 292 295 292 106 102
80 74 74 356 359 356 165 128
80×50 74 49 356 359 356 106 102
100 100 100 432 435 432 210 160
100×80 100 74 432 435 432 165 128
150 150 150 559 562 559 250 200
150×100 150 100 559 562 559 210 160
200 201 201 660 664 660 288 255
200×150 201 150 660 664 660 250 200
250 252 252 787 791 787 330 308
250×200 252 201 787 791 787 288 255
300 303 303 838 841 838 378 348
300×250 303 252 838 841 838 330 308
350 334 334 889 892 889 394 360
350×300 334 303 889 892 889 378 348
400 385 385 991 994 991 430 410
400×350 385 334 991 994 991 394 360
450 436 436 1092 1095 1092 467 430
450×400 436 385 1092 1095 1092 430 410
500 487 487 1194 1200 1194 500 492
500×400 487 385 1194 1200 1194 430 410
500×450 487 436 1194 1200 1194 467 430
550 538 538 1296 1305 1296 549 505
550×450 538 436 1296 1305 1296 467 430
600 589 589 1397 1406 1397 594 570
600×500 589 487 1397 1406 1397 500 492

Class900Lb/ PN15.0MPa

Specification A B L-RF L-RTJ L-WE D E
50 49 49 368 371 368 104 103
80 74 74 381 384 381 163 132
80×50 74 49 381 384 381 104 103
100 100 100 457 460 457 211 169
100×80 100 74 457 460 457 163 132
150 150 150 610 613 610 259 213
150×100 150 100 610 613 610 211 169
200 201 201 737 740 737 297 264
200×150 201 150 737 740 737 259 213
250 252 252 838 841 838 342 333
250×200 252 201 838 841 838 297 264
300 303 303 965 968 965 384 379
300×250 303 252 965 968 965 342 333
350 322 322 1029 1038 1029 398 368
350×300 322 303 1029 1038 1029 384 379
400 373 373 1130 1140 1130 436 437
400×350 373 322 1130 1140 1130 398 368
450 423 423 1219 1232 1219 484 497
450×400 423 373 1219 1230 1219 436 437
500 471 471 1321 1333 1321 532 503
500×400 471 373 1321 1333 1321 436 437
500×450 471 423 1321 1333 1321 484 497
600 570 570 1549 1568 1549 617 633
600×500 570 471 1549 1568 1549 532 503

Class1500Lb/ PN26.0MPa

Specification A B L-RF L-RTJ L-WE D E
50 49 49 368 371 368 106 104
80 74 74 470 473 470 167 128
80×50 74 49 470 473 470 106 104
100 100 100 546 549 546 179 170
100×80 100 74 546 549 546 167 128
150 144 144 705 711 705 260 233
150×100 144 100 705 711 705 179 170
200 192 192 832 841 832 304 290
200×150 192 144 832 841 832 260 233
250 239 239 991 1000 991 363 352
250×200 239 192 991 1000 991 304 290
300 287 287 1130 1146 1130 417 425
300×250 287 239 1130 1146 1130 363 352
350 315 315 1257 1276 1257 437 426
350×300 315 287 1257 1276 1257 417 425
400 360 360 1384 1407 1384 475 493
400×350 360 315 1384 1407 1384 437 426
450 405 405 1477 1499 1537 563 608
450×400 405 360 1477 1499 1537 475 493
500 455 455 1664 1686 1664 617 645
500×400 455 360 1664 1686 1664 475 493
500×450 455 405 1664 1686 1664 563 608
Jiangsu Tenglong Petrochemical Machinery Co., Ltd. is a high-tech petrochemical machinery enterprise engaged in R&D, production, test, marketing and service 中文版
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